School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.



“Transition” in education terms means moving into, between or out of educational settings. When a child or young person with a special educational need or disability (SEND) approaches a change in their educational setting, or a new phase in their education, they may experience a range of emotions including excitement, anticipation and anxiety. This can affect both the child or young person and their parents/carers.

This page aims to provide you with useful links, information and documents which can be used to help your child with transition.

Transition from Primary to Secondary

The transition to secondary school is a big step for young people and their parents. The final year of primary school is an ideal time to help your child prepare for this big life change, both academically and emotionally. 

In order to support your child’s transition to Ashley, we do the following

  • Discussions with your child’s primary school teachers
  • Information Sharing between settings   
  • Tours of the school
  • Transition booklet - This includes photographs of the setting, photographs of key staff, information about the school day and a map of the site
  • Social Stories
  • Year 6 Parent’s afternoon
  • Transition days
  • Visual supports
  • Speech and Language in class support
  • Sharing of transition resources via the school website
  • Transition programme – “Lift Off”. This programme is delivered during the first half term of Year 7 and aims to develop the soft skills and build self-esteem to support pupils make a successful transition from primary to secondary school 

Mid-Year Transitions

If your child is offered a placement mid-year or key stage, then a bespoke transition package will be put in place to meet the needs of your child.  A key member of staff will liaise with you and your child’s previous setting to ensure that an appropriate package is put into place to ensure a smooth and successful move.

Transition from school/post 16 to higher education and adult life

Leaving school to go to college or work is a big step and needs lots of planning. This normally starts for students when they are in Year 9. The most important person involved in this planning is the young person themselves. This means being supported to make choices that will enable them to be in control of their future. In order to support your child with their move, we do the following

  • Preparing for adulthood planning – This includes support with further education and employment, Independent Living, Developing and maintaining friendships, creating circles of support and Maintaining good health and well-being
  • 1:1 Career Advice and Guidance Sessions from Year 9 upwards
  • Career Progression Planning through the curriculum
  • College Visits/Taster days
  • Close working relationships with local colleges to identify best progression routes
  • Local college interviews take place in the Ashley School environment
  • Individual taster days
  • Information sharing between settings
  • Transition programme “Moving On”. This programme is delivered by our Speech and Language Assistant and Careers Advisor and aims to reduce anxieties and understand the emotions linked with change. Open discussions in a safe space allow pupils to develop personalised strategies to make a successful transition
  • Tracking and monitoring student progress during the transition period