School closes on Friday 19th July 2024 at 1pm. School reopens on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.

Advice for Students

Careers Programme at Ashley High School


 At Ashley High School we have a careers programme in place that ensures that you are well equipped for the future and have the information you need to make realistic and informed decisions about further education, training and employment.


You can access individual careers guidance from the school careers adviser. All students from Year 9 upwards will have the opportunity for a guidance interview before their annual review.

Your Career Activities by Year Group

Year 7 and 8.   

Year 7 and 8 is all about developing self-awareness and discovering the types of careers that are out there in the big wide world;

  • Introduction to Careers – career anagrams to raise awareness of different jobs and discussion on the different jobs roles in our school.
  • Employer Talks
  • Introduction to the Careers Adviser and the A-Z of Careers
  • Timeline of key events in our life and identifying skills and qualities

Year 9

  • Considering Options – introduction to the careers websites and linking subjects to careers
  • Local labour market information. ‘What Makes a good…..’
  • Employer Talk
  • Individual guidance interviews

Year 10

  • Raising aspirations and stereotyping
  • Employer Talk
  • ‘What Makes You Tick?’ personality test and job values
  • Individual guidance interviews

Year 11

  • Decision Making
  • Self-Awareness recap
  • Opportunity Awareness – apprenticeships, traineeships, supported internships and further education
  • CV Writing/updating and covering letters
  • Application forms and where to look for jobs
  • Interview Preparation including a mock interview with local employers
  • Financial Support for students
  • Careers Day, with visits from local employers, colleges and training providers.
  • Employer talk and visit
  • Visits to local employment environments
  • College Taster Day
  • Individual guidance interviews
  • Evaluation

Year 12-14.   

All students work towards a qualification in Employability at Entry Level 3 upwards which focuses on their employability skills and career planning. Students also complete the activities below to enhance their learning.

  • Vocational Tasters and visits to different working environments to compare and contrast (construction workshops, modern busy offices, animal care, horticulture and engineering)
  • Sessions with Job Centre Plus around applying for jobs, interview preparation and local labour market information
  • Visits to local colleges and training providers
  • Apprenticeship Workshop.
  • Individual work placements linked to a student’s vocational interests.
  • Individual guidance interviews
  • Regular Career Planning updates




This website is an excellent resource that will allow you to watch video clips of people who have experience of working in a wide range of job sectors from property management, science, marketing, PR and many more.

Careerometer widget 2

Want to know the wages and areas of growth and decline?

Shaping Your World offers an interesting way for you to explore the construction industry.

Interested in obtaining an apprenticeship?


To access the resources, please visit:

If you have any questions or require further information or support around career opportunities please contact Vicki Banks (Careers Lead) at school.